
Seems like you just need to set a 'default route' is all. do a 'man route' 
for more info. Sounds like you have an excellent grip on debian too - good 


On Tuesday 03 April 2001 10:50, Kevin Stokes wrote:
> Hi,
>   I'm windoze guy trying to install Debian, and I've read How-To's 'till
> I'm blue in the face, but I'm stymied at the moment, and I sure would
> appreciate some help or a link to a HOWTO to help troubleshoot this.
>   I've Debian potatoe vanilla installed to the point where I've created the
> root and user accounts, and then it wants the APT data source for loading
> other things.   I've installed from stuff downloaded off the net, so I
> choose HTTP or FTP as my source.
>   However, I can't get my network stuff to work.  Specifically:
> I got my  ne  module aliased and loaded in the /etc/modules
> It looks like it might be working, because lsmod returns something
> ok-looking.
> In /etc/network/interfaces, I put:
> auto eth0
> iface eth0 inet dhcp
> I reboot, then at the command line I do a   'ifconfig eth0 up', and it
> accepts this ok, and if I type 'ifconfig', it lists it there and all looks
> ok.
> But I still cannot ping anything but localhost without getting 'Network
> unreachable' errors.
>   I looked at /var/log/messages, and didn't see anything bad in there,
> except for a message at the very end like:
> ds: no sockets drivers loaded!    ; I don't know if this is ok, or bad.
>   The HOWTO's are filled with information about setting up this or that,
> but I couldn't find anything that helps people who don't know any unix to
> troubleshoot anything like this.
> Kevin Stokes
> Pie in the Sky Software
> PS.  My thanks to Rick Commo and Andrew Dixon for helping me earlier!


Jaye Inabnit\ARS ke6sls/TELE: USA-707-442-6579\/A GNU-Debian linux user
Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] WEB: ICQ: 12741145
If it's stupid, but works, it ain't stupid. SHOUT JUST FOR FUN.
Free software, in a free world, for a free spirit. Support freedom!

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