On Fri, Mar 30, 2001 at 02:37:13PM -0600, Bud Rogers wrote:
> On Friday 30 March 2001 14:21, will trillich wrote:
> > did i mention i have two debian systems on the network? and that
> > i ssh from console on debian#2 to debian#1? and that i was
> > changing the settings on the remote debian system? and that no
> > mouse movement for eternity on debian #2 would ever be affected
> > by settings on debian #1?
> Wait til you type 'shutdown -h now' on the workstation in front of you 
> and nothing happens, then from the other room (where all the servers 
> are...) you hear, "Hey!  What the [EMAIL PROTECTED]" 

Or do the same thing by hitting the up arrow key one time too many
followed by return...
Anyone know how to make bash history *not* keep certain commands?  :)

Jim Richardson
        Anarchist, pagan and proud of it
        Linux, because life's too short for a buggy OS.

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