> Roberto writes:
> > What chances do we have to get a virus from a malicious .deb package
> > someone had leak into debian.org?
> It would have to acquire the signature of a Debian developer to get into
> unstable, remain dormant for at least two weeks to get into testing, and
> lie dormant there until the next release in order to get into stable.
Yes but shouldt we wipe out from our sources.list non-official sites?

They could be dangerous... 

For example I have this: 

# Galeon web browser
deb ftp://galeon.sourceforge.net/pub/galeon/nightly/debian galeonpotato/

Of course I am **not** telling that people from galeon are going to send
us a virus.. in fact they are not this is just an example of .deb's I can
recieve from non-official sites.

But in a lot of places you can find things like:

"For debian potato add the following to your sources.list... etc.." 

Someone could leak a virus into your system this way...



Roberto Diaz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
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