On Fri, Mar 30, 2001 at 10:35:20AM -0500, D-Man wrote:

|| There are some problem I thing. It seems, that they are waiting for gnome1.4.
|| xfree4.0.2 are in woody and works great, but the woody's gnome is very bad.
|My main interest in gnome 1.2 is because I was using it for quite a
|while before I switched to Debian.  All my existing configs don't work
|and I liked the new features and look of the new one.  It will be cool
|when 1.4 is available.

I started to work with slink/potato last summer and with the gnome from ths
time. Ok, it works great, I don't have any problems.

I upgrade to woody, as woody become testing and the problems began. :-(

My old config's doesn't work etc. Gnome (ximian) started, when I purge all
my config's on my home-directory. 

|I'm not sure if it is X, Gnome, Sawfish or something else, but my
|desktop doesn't look so nice in Debian.  I can't quite put my finger
|on what it is either.  I had a real nice looking desktop with RH6.1
|and 7.0.  I kept up with the latest gnome and sawfish rpms too,
|though.  Interestingly enough, when I installed 7.0 I found that some
|of the stuff in it was older than what I already had.
:-) Did you have the helixcode/ximian Packages on RedHat.

IMHO it is not Debian, when doesn't look nice, it is a question of time of
configuring your System. :-)

|| I don't want to use sawmill, so I installed fvwm2 from scratch so fvwm2 is
|| my wm for gnome :-\, not very good.
|I like sawfish.  (the name changed due to a copyright conflict)

Yes, I know, woody has sawmill 0.27. I think, sawfish is 0.38?

|| The developer are working on that problem....
|As always ;-).


One time, you all will be emulated by linux!

Jan- Hendrik Palic

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