Hi eric,

From: andika
Type: 2
1. download kernel-image-2.4.2 deb from a mirror site,
   you can also use 
http://packages.debian.org/unstable/base/kernel-image-2.4.2-386.html as a 
starting point to download.
2. run 'dpkg -i kernel-image-2.4.2*'

That's all.

Please be careful, for kernel-image-2.4.2 is an unstable package.

Hope that helps.

-- andika

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Dear Andika:

 Thanks your hints, I  run that instruction
it response :
it may not work if I did not work unln
ess you  configure your boot loader

do youknow how to configure boot loader?
it ask me to read kernel-img.conf

but insist non stop
then it ask me

You are attempting to install a kernel image (version 2.4.2-386)
However, the directory /lib/modules/2.4.2-386 still exists.
If you have deselected some modules, or installed standalone modules
packages, this could be bad.

This is your last chance to abort the installation of this
kernel image (nothing has been changed yet).

If you know what you are doing, and if you feel that this image should
be installed despite this anomaly, I suggest you move
/lib/modules/2.4.2-386 out of the way, perhaps to
/lib/modules/2.4.2-386.old or something, and then try re-installing
this image.
Do you want to stop now? [Y/n]n
Unpacking replacement kernel-image-2.4.2-386 ...
Setting up kernel-image-2.4.2-386 (2.4.2-1) ...
depmod: *** Unresolved symbols in /lib/modules/2.4.2-386/kernel/drivers/net/wan/comx.o
/boot/initrd does not exist. Installing from scratch, eh?
Or maybe you don't want a symbolic link here. Hmm? Lets See.

so need your experience's help again

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