Nate Amsden wrote:
Mark Devin wrote:
How safe would it be to always run with "unstable" - continually
updating?. Am I likely to get a broken system which cannot be fixed
without expert skills?
its amazing how many people want to run unstable.. you are likely to get
a broken system at one point or another. it may not require expert skills
but it may be a pain. ive been using unix and linux for almost 7 years now
and i won't go near unstable still. i'm very confident with my skills but
don't want to get a broken system at all(which is why i like debian's stable
Lets do no say its potential application, just horn skill, especail ly
prove some advantage of debian linux amy edge other distributions.
I download a specific kernel fit for my cpu, try kpkg -i xxx
it want me to read kernel-img.conf
I read its man page
change /etc/kernel-img.conf Do_Symlinks to the path /boot/xxx where
my new kernel
result still be the same
so that is not configure boot loader . ?
need help