On Sat, Mar 24, 2001 at 03:33:54PM -0800, Karsten M. Self wrote:
> StarOffice, that bloated stuck pig of an office suite, isn't packaged.
> It probably offers the best compatibility with MS file formats, however.

any other suggestions?

abiword is unusably buggy in potato (and helix/ximian) kword in
the unofficial potato repository is also quite buggy (it makes most of
the text invisible randomly when your typing).  ted might be ok, i
haven't done much testing yet.  but its rather limited and a bit

in my case i don't give a damn about MS compatiblity but i do need to
find something that provides the basic features a self respecting word
processor should provide, and most importantly it has to be usable,
abiword and kword are not.  (i doubt staroffice would be either given
this box is a 166 pentium with only 96MB of ram, openoffice barely
compiles from what i hear and would not be any lighter)

note that this isn't for me, if i needed such i may very well use
latex or something, but that is not an option in this case.  

> Or you can just be Yet Another Prick For Open Standards like me.


Ethan Benson

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