On Wed, 2003-02-19 at 06:38, Paul Johnson wrote:
> On Tue, Feb 18, 2003 at 02:07:35PM -0500, Gregory Seidman wrote:
> > } With the correct patch, yes? Without the patch pointed to here, VMware
> > } refuses to recompile its modules.
> > 
> > Er, no. I am running VMWare 3.2, unpatched, on a 2.4.20 kernel. It works
> > just fine, and the vmware-config.pl compiled its modules happily. It may or
> > may not be relevant that both the kernel and the modules are compiled with
> > gcc 3.2. I am running a testing/unstable mix.
> VMWare modules are a little picky.  From my experiance, all of the
> following must be true for the modules to compile right in
> vmware-config.pl
> Before starting--
> * You must be running the kernel you want to compile for.
> * You must be using the same version of gcc for VMWare as you did the
>   kernel.
> * You must have kernel headers for the kernel you're running.

I'm not sure what it was that caused it, but when my roommate first
tried installing VMWare he couldn't get the network modules to compile.
He was running a pre-rolled debian 2.4.20 kernel with the appropriate
kernel headers installed as well. The first part of compilation went
fine (the "generic" vmware modules) but the network modules just
wouldn't compile. After I showed him how to roll his own kernel,
however, the compilation went just fine.

Alex Malinovich
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