Mike Fedyk wrote: [...] > I'm going to keep my search to a text based email client, because I > don't like to have to use vnc to view my email from home... Mutt is > great in an Xterm, and picture viewing is good too. I wonder if mutt > can use links or netscape for html viewing... Anyone know? It's > probably in the config file, or some symlinked "html-viewer" in a bin > dir... Looked in /etc/alternatives, but no browser or www grep > results...
I missed this first time round - the answer I use (on a solidly potato system) is urlview (from the package of the same name) to launch a browser out of mutt - there's even a control-b macro ready and waiting for it. Then the browser I have urlview configured to use is w3m, which may be a humble non-graphical browser, but it can in turn be configured to hand URLs over to other browsers - the three I have it use are <tab>=netscape, 2<tab>=mozilla, and 3<tab>="xterm -e w3m &". -- Justin B Rye - writing from but not for Datacash Ltd