I've just tried CHAP with no success. The result was exactly the same. I probably should have added in my original message that Windows connects using PAP.

At 06:45 14/03/2001 -0700, you wrote:
Hello There,

Don't know if I can help much. But I was wondering if you have tried
using both 'PAP'
and 'CHAP' login protocols when you tryo to connect? If you've been
trying with PAP,
then try CHAP and se what happens.

Hope that helps somehow and good luck,

Jimmy Richards

On 14 Mar 2001 15:28:31 +0200, Gil Elad wrote:
> Hi everyone.
> I'm completely new to both Linux and Debian so please forgive my stupidity.
> I've been trying for the past few weeks to connect to my ISP with no
> success using both pppconfig and wvdial.
> While both succeed in getting connected at a reasonable speed (49.3 kbps)
> neither can get passed the authentication stage. I seem to get gibberish
> instead of a login prompt (a series of '[' and 'c' characters mostly) and
> both programs don't know what to do with it. It seemed to me at first as if > there's too much noise on the line, so I tried to connect at slower speeds,
> but that didn't work.
> Attached are both the chatscript and the output from plog.
> The absolutely most irritating thing about this whole business, though, is
> that windows connects like clockwork every time at 49.2 kbps.
> any help at all will be appreciated.
> Thanks

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