john gennard <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> asks about playing CDs:

> I added my user to audio and cdrom groups and then installed cdcd, cda
> and xmcd to see if any was suitable for my needs (at this stage just
> playing my C&W CD's). I have KDE1.1.2 on this box and kscd is also
> installed.

> Although I have sound, I'm far from happy. Can anyone help with my
> concerns viz,

>         e. There are at least 8 more cdplayer progams on 2.2 r2 CD's,
>             I wonder which are found to be best.

When I added sound to my system a few months ago I had many of the same
problems that you seem to be having.  Some CD players would not install,
others would install and config, but then gave errors when I tried to
run them.  I don't remember, now, which programs gave which problems. 
The only program which workesd correctly, for me, right from the start
was gcd and that is the one that I am still using.  I am listening to a
CD in the background even as I type this response.  The program may not
have a lot of bells and whistles, but it does what I need it to do,
which is play CDs.


Marc Shapiro                         "If you drink melomel every day,
[EMAIL PROTECTED]                    you will live to be 150 years old,   unless your wife shoots you."
                                     -- Dr. Ferenc Androczi, winemaker,
                                     Little Hungary Farm Winery

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