On 09-Mar-2001 MaD dUCK wrote:
> also sprach Stefan Srdic (on Thu, 08 Mar 2001 09:32:22PM -0700):
>> I still consider myslef a newbie when it comes to Linux, I've been using 
>> Linux for less then one year. Anyway, I found out that my system is 
>> running pump to configure my host via DHCP. Where would I find 
>> information on pump, and how could I configure it for my setup?
> um. man pump. just a thought.

A good alternative to pump is dhcpcd. Never had a problem with it before (I've
been running it for nearly 3 months).

Carlos Laviola - ICQ 55799523
pub  1024D/3516D372 2000-06-05 Carlos Laviola <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
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