On 06 Mar 2001, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> Would you mind to write a quick/dirty howto (I used to use leafnode,
> which works with gnus, but I want to try slrnpull)?

Well I've got it set up with leafnode here, and it works well.  To get
you started, you need a .gnus file  in your home directory and the
line which make it interact with the leafnode-generated spool is

(setq gnus-select-method '(nntp "localhost"))

That in itself should enable you to read news.   Gnus treats mail as
news from an odd source, so you are half-way there.  To go further you
need to look at the really excellent documentation at www.gnus.org
The gnus FAQ is very useful indeed.  And the there is a gnus newsgroup
which offers very good support   gnu.emacs.gnus

Not quite what you asked for but hope it helps.

Glyn M

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