
looking for a quick sript to add to a .bash_profile to mail me when a user 
logs on. I'm pretty unfamiliar with all the stratigies, but would like a 
simple message to myself with time and user name. Any ideas GREATLY
appreciated :)

What I found so far, is 'mail -s loggin myaddress' will start it off. Now I 
need to be able to add user name and time on the entry so mail will take it 
and not request cc, bcc etc. 

Thank you

Jaye Inabnit, ARS ke6sls     e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
707-442-6579 h/m                     707-268-4074
http://www.qsl.net/ke6sls            ICQ# 12741145
This mail composed with kmail on kde on X on linux warped by debian
If it's stupid, but works, it ain't stupid.

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