Scruloose wrote:
> Hmm.  I'll have to go wading through Exim's docs to find that out...

I feel certain it supports it since all of the good modern MTAs support
that and exim is a good one.  Easier to try it and see that it works
than to dig into the docs in this case.

> The idea behind this is that mail to user+anything@localpart would
> get delivered to user@localpart, allowing me (in my role as joe
> user) to filter based on the suffix?

Yes.  It also allows you to set up other capabilities if you choose to
use them.  Such as your own personal mailing lists and things like
that.  But you don't need to use that capability.

> On the other hand, if I feel like using [EMAIL PROTECTED] as my
> return address in a public forum as a second-last resort (last
> resort being total non-participation), that seems to me like a valid
> choice.  It's a "real" address, so it won't generate bounces... it's
> another free service they offer, just silently /dev/null-ing
> anything sent to it.

All MTAs implement a nobody account which goes to /dev/null.  It is
not specific to  Why penalize Spamcop for your trouble?
It just means they have to process the mail and throw it away.  (Of
course it is only a small trouble.)  Using nobody at your own domain
should be good enough for that.  Of course if you are a subscriber to
spamcop and are donating money to them then they would probably be
fine with that.


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