In lists.projects.debian.user, you wrote: >I have a MOST bizarre and interesting problem at the moment! > >After my 'unstable' machine boots.. about 2 minutes later, X will start >up, with an xconsole in the corner showing 'dmesg' output, and a simple >graphical login prompt in the centre of the screen forces a login before >anything else can be done... > >If I try and kill X with Ctrl-Alt-Backspace, it immediately reloads... > >This one has foxed me completely!! > >Any ideas?
The program that's doing this is gdm, the graphical display manager. There are several ways around it: 1. To temporarily get non-graphical console access, hit Ctrl+Alt+F1 (or f2 through f6). Ctrl+Alt+F7 should get you back to the gdm login 2. To kill gdm temporarily, do "/etc/init.d/gdm stop" as root. The same command with "start" instead of "stop" will start it up again later. 3. Remove gdm completely by doing something like "apt-get remove gdm" as root. K. -- Kirrily 'Skud' Robert - [EMAIL PROTECTED] - "It's just you, you seriously twisted little fuck. Don't ever change, we like you just the way you are." -- Paul Tomblin to Skud (from the Netizen quotes file)