
what happens when you cimpile the driver as a module? It seems to me that
it is not necessary for you to compile it staticly.

On Fri, 23 Feb 2001, Mike Kuhar wrote:

> Hi,
> Before I made my system a dual boot, I install a cable modem, hence the 3Com
> 3c509b NIC.   Because of not wanting to share interrupts, I disabled com2 in 
> my
> bios, and chose com2's addressing 0210 and IRQ of 03.  I used the
> troubleshooting software that came with the card to load these values onto the
> card.  Win98SE accepted these configurations without a problem.  I then 
> install
> Debian 2.0.32, and later to 2.2.17.  Linux found the card correctly in both
> versions without any problem.  And works quite nicely.
> I recently upgraded to, first, 2.4.0, and now 2.4.1.  In neither case does 
> Linux
> correctly identify my NIC.  However, if I boot to 2.2.17, my NIC is again
> correctly identified.  I think, though, in my building of the kernel, that I
> missed configuring something into it?  What I don't know.  But since it does
> recognize the card, although incorrectly, I'm inclined to think that this 
> isn't
> the problem.
> Does anyone out there have any thoughts?
> Michael W. Kuhar
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Sebastiaan [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Friday, February 23, 2001 4:05 AM
> To: Mike Kuhar
> Cc: debian-user@lists.debian.org
> Subject: Re: Kernel 2.4.1 Mis-configuring 3c509b NIC
> Hi,
> maybe plug and play has improved in 2.4.1? Does the card work? What do you
> see e with 3c509utils?
> Greetz,
> Sebastiaan
> On Thu, 22 Feb 2001, Mike Kuhar wrote:
> > I can start up kernel 2.2.17 and the 3c509b Nic has the proper address and
> intr,
> > 0210 and 03.  However, when I startup kernel 2.4.1, the NIC gets configured 
> > as
> > 0220 12.  Am I doing something wrong here, or is this some kind of bug?
> >
> > One more question, where can I find the source for getty?
> >
> > Mike Kuhar
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