I'm comparing openacs, phpgroupware, and zope for use as a groupware system for a group I'm volunteering with. I attempted to set up openacs first, but quickly ran into a problem with configuration.
Everything is set up (with an earlier version of aolserver, since the testing/unstable deb is badly broken) but the openacsconfig command fails to create the required databases. Postgresql is running, and configured to be a tcp listener. Here's a short synopsis of what happens: # openacsconfig --domain kenny.gila.org Which database should I use? [acs_kenny.gila.org] Save these changes to the configuration files? [Y/n] If the database acs_kenny.gila.org doesn't exist yet, I can add it now. Should I create the database? [Y/n] Create database failed. This may happen if it already existed. I have acs_kenny.gila.org point to in the hosts file, and ping acs_kenny.gila.org works correctly. I know the database hasn't been created yet, since psql only shows the template1 database in the output form the \l command. I can only guess that the url for the database should be more specific. Anyone have some insight?