Matthias Wieser wrote:

> When I download something, is the directory that will be created,
> contain already the newest version of the drivers?
> Reason behind the question: I try to compile Ghostscript with the stp
> driver of the gimp-print project.
> I have not been able to compile the things, i downloaded with
> apt-get source gs
> (i also downloaded libjpeg), but I can not compile it.
> iam working with the unstable branch. (The problem is due to glibc2.2,
> the problem won't be there on a stable system)
> has anyone compiled gs with the stp driver version 4.0.4 :-)

Yes, two/three days ago, look in the mailing list of this week about "trouble
compiling gs (ghostscript) from source". I've forced the inclusion of the time.h
header, and a couple of trivial change in the stp driver itself about some
incorrect inclusion path.

You also need the libpaperg-dev package installed to build gs...

If i'm not wrong, the gimp-print driver included in the gs 5.10-11 source
package is the 4.1.3 version, but i'm not sure.


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