also sprach William Jensen (on Fri, 23 Feb 2001 01:35:09PM -0600):
> Although...that doesn't explain why it "doesn't" happen if I create the file
> in unix first and then highlight/paste to another file.  In that instance
> it pastes fine.  Very strange.  But thanks for your knowledge.

pasting in unix happens through gpm/X. what vi/vim effectively gets is
text input as if you had typed it yourself.

vim furthermore comes with a feature to automatically indent source
code according to a set of rules. if you set nosmartindent, set nocindent,
set noautoindent, the paste should work just fine.

set paste does this as well as disabling wrapping and some other funky
stuff that could get in the way of X buffer pastes. set nopaste
restores that all.


[greetings from the heart of the sun]# echo [EMAIL PROTECTED]:1:[EMAIL 
"when I was a boy I was told
 that anybody could become president.
 now i'm beginning to believe it."
                                                    -- clarence darrow

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