--- John Galt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Date: Fri, 23 Feb 2001 01:32:09 -0700 (MST)
> Subject: Re: ethernet card installation
> On Fri, 23 Feb 2001, Johnny Blade wrote:
> >I am new to Linux, and have recently installed
> Debian.
> > In my attempts to get connected to my school's
> >ethernet, I have found that there is no /dev/eth*'s
> on
> >my system.
> >
> >I have one network card, a Netgear FA310TX.  I
> found
> >this card in a hardware list with the word "Tulip"
> in
> >parentheses next to it, so following the Ethernet
> >HOWTO's instructions on how to use ethernet drivers
> as
> >modules I tried to install the card by adding an
> alias
> Did you first try to insmod/modprobe the module to
> make sure it worked?

I was able to modprobe many of the modules in my
/lib/modules/<dist>/net directory successfully.  I'm
clueless as to telling if this allowed the detection
of my NIC.  I didn't see /dev/eth0 appear, and when I
ran "modprobe --showconfig", one of the lines said
"alias eth0 off".  That line is nowhere in my
modules.conf, so I don't know where that's coming

Would I even see a /dev/eth0 appear after modprobe'ing
the correct driver?  I'm not sure what I'm looking

As far as updating the kernel goes, does the 2.4.2
kernel work ok with the potato dist?  I'm currently
running 2.2.18pre21.

Thanks for your help so far!


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