>I can start gnome-session, then mount CDROM #4 from 6 disk set, and then find >the .gz and .dsc files. But that's as far as I can get. Which debian >install untility will work with these packages? I could try to do it from >command line if that would help. If I click on a .tar.gz file the Olde M$h*t >way in the Gnome File Manager, the source code will display as text, but no >install program gets initiated.
You are trying to use debianized source files from a debian cd right? You need dpkg-dev installed ("apt-get install dpkg-dev" should do it) Then point dpkg at the source files like this dpkg-source -x mypackage.dsc (the .dsc file is the key here) then within the resulting directory do dpkg-buildpackage and you will end up with a nice .deb which you can install with dpkg -i myprogram.deb It's a doddle really. Good luck! Glyn M -- so here we are then.... http://members.tripod.co.uk/Christchurch2000uk ==== Running Debian/Gnu Linux ==== 8:20am up 54 min, 2 users, load average: 0.29, 0.51, 0.46