On Sun, Feb 16, 2003 at 10:33:32AM -0800, Fer'had Erdogan wrote:
> My last email, I was saying I thought I found the problem but no. I'm
> still here, subscribed more than ever. Can the list manager write to me?
> Anyone has access to the mysterious list server so that you can just
> delete me from the list manually?

Hadski --

Send a message to "[EMAIL PROTECTED]" with
"unsubscribe" as the topic, then reply to the message it sends with
the CONFIRM subject line.

If that fails, please copy your message to this list including all
headers if you know how. People can help you better if you provide
more information and show what you tried.

It is possible the unsubscribe mechanism is broken; it has happened
before. But it is also possible that you, your system administrator or
your ISP have changed something about your mail configuration so that
you don't report quite the same email address as before.

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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