On Thu, Feb 22, 2001 at 04:55:24AM -0800, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Hi, you're posting without a Realname and your lines are too long. Please fix this.
> I need staroffice 5.1 german version, but I can't find it at Sun's pages > anymore, and 5.2 is way to big for my harddrive. Does anyone know where I can > find it? Think I've a few older Versions on my SuSE CD's the only prob is that they're in rpm Format. Generaly I that there's no real diference in the speed or size between SO 5.1 and 5.2 cause 5.2 was only something like a Bugfix realese IIRC. CU, Sven BTW: If you like to test the rpm write a PM and I'll upload it for you after "Karneval". -- Ich weiß nicht, wieso ihr euch so echauffiert. Die Warnung ist doch wirklich deutlich zu lesen auf der Packung. Da steht in großen, deutlichen Lettern: "Microsoft". NATÜRLICH funktioniert das nicht. Mehr als warnen können sie euch nicht. [Fefe in de.alt.sysadmin.recovery]