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Aaron Brashears <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> I'd like to try out kernel 2.4.1 from unstable, but I wanted to know
> if there's anything I should be wary of. A quick search through the
> archives of debain-user revealed there's *something* with modconf, but
> I'm not sure what the problem is.

That I don't remember exactly, but it was probably about a 2.4.1 with
potato, there's a need to upgrade to more recent modutils or so.

> Is there anything I should be aware of before attempting a building
> 2.4.1 from the deb source?

Hm. I just made the kernel just from kernel.org sources (2.4.1) with

> Also, does alsa work with the new kernel?

There I realized some problems. Alsa was working erratically and I had
no clue for two weeks or so. But then I found the problem: alsa wants
the /dev/mixer0 device, which was already taken by my usb-audio module
(automatic loaded during startup). After I commented it out in
/etc/modules alsa is working just fine with my ens1370 (sb
pci128). :-) 

> I'm running a p3 with a netgear 310tx(tulip) and nvidia tnt2 with
> xfree86 4 installed, but I'm pretty sure it's actually using the
> XF86_SVGA server found in xfree86 3. I'm currently running the kernel
> image 2.2.17 found in potato but I synch with testing.

X 4.02 is running here, too, 1 ne, 1 nepci, sb pci128, intel i740
(yes, it's old, i know... but it works - not for games nor movies but
everything else...) - if running testing, check you have the latest
modutils (or whatever that package is called...).

> Thanks.

My pleasure :-).

- -- 
Tschoe,                    Get my gpg-public-key here
 Jens                     http://gecius.de/gpg-key.txt
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