> >Microsoft has the benefit of proprietary documentation on lots of 
> >hardware because they are willing to sign Non-Disclosure Agreements 
> >with the manufacturers.  So they can make drivers that work out of the 
> >box.  Linux developers don't have that luxury.  They have to reverse 
> >engineer the drivers.  So, it takes longer and the drivers don't always 

Not at all.. a lot of GNU/Linux developers are willing to sign
NDA's if they havent other choice.. but a lot of manufactures dont like to
have NDA's with Linux developers.. you reverse engine a device when you
havent other choice or when you have tons of experience
reverse-engineering some kind of devices and somebody, somehow
supports your work.. this work can be the most difficult thing a
developer can face.

I know for my own experience. no joke.. a painful experience. There is
much more involved than the fact "microsoft is willing to sign NDA's" who
rules more microsoft or hardware manufactures? real world is really hard. 



Roberto Diaz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
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