FWIW, I have had a 486 16MB firewall running Coyote
Linux 24/7 since July '00.  The 4 machines behind it
run Linux (variously, debian, mandrake) and M$ Windoze
The only hit has been when I made a modem connection
with M$ Outlook on that machine and the hit was
confined to that machine.

Take a look at www.coyotelinux.com.

--- John Galt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> FYI, your subject is WRONG.  Linux is trademarked by
> Linus Torvalds, an
> employee of Transmeta.  Calling RedHat "linux" is no
> more accurate than
> calling Debian "linux".  To be more exact, it is Red
> Hat Linux v 7.0 AND
> Debian GNU/Linux v 2.2r2.  I forsee only trouble if
> you continue to refer
> to Red Hat 7 as Linux 7 often on Debian
> mailinglists...
> On Mon, 19 Feb 2001, Steve Rudd wrote:
> >Hi!
> >
> >I am frustrated with the linux 2.2 kernel. I have
> had two hacks in 3 months
> >and I am going broke rebuilding my server.
> The 2.2 kernel isn't the issue, your configuration
> is.  Crackers don't
> often break in via insecurities in the kernel, they
> usually use a service
> or other program that they can get to remotely
> >I went out and bought Redhat 7, and got hacked 6
> weeks later.
> Not surprising: .0 releases of RH are always risky.
> >I have been placed in contact with a guy who wants
> me to use Debian. But if
> >it based upon the same kernel as redhat, how is it
> going to be more secure?
> >I checked and found that
> A few things that RH does insecurely, Debian does a
> bit more securely.
> But that security comes at a cost of some of the
> "ease of use" features in
> Red Hat.
> >from (http://www.securityfocus.com/)
> >Security risks for years: 1997-2000 respectively:
> >Debian 3, 2, 32, 45, 12
> >RedHat 6, 10, 49, 85, 20
> There are three types of lies: lies, damn lies, and
> statistics.
> >So Debian is about twice as good as redhat, but
> that is not real reassuring.
> What do you want, OpenBSD-type security?  Got a
> couple of four years to do
> a code audit?
> >I am considering joining the debian family, but am
> a bit concerned about
> >security.
> Right now, it sounds like you need to solve the
> PEBCAK issue first.
> Security is something that happens in the Sysadmin's
> mind first: once it's
> there, the most insecure OS in the world will become
> secure.  Turn off all
> unneded services; update early and often; if
> something is widely
> considered buggy, consider alternatives; try
> breaking in [to your own
> computer, natch] yourself a couple of times--if you
> can do it, so can
> others; go on a SUID killing spree; countless
> things...
> >Just how much more secure is Debian than redhat?
> Slightly.  Debian will probably give you the space
> you need to learn
> security before you get killed, while Red Hat
> compresses the learning
> curve, but leaves some obvious holes.
> >Thanks!
> >
> >Steve Rudd
> >
> >
> >
> -- 
> I can be immature if I want to, because I'm mature
> enough to make my own
> decisions.
> Who is John Galt?  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> -- 
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