On Sun, Feb 18, 2001 at 09:25:46PM -0300, Christoph Simon wrote:
> > 
> > statd:
> > 
> > and such to the proper machines.  
> Thanks for the reply, but I'm not sure if I understood this. If I put
> this line to hosts.deny, wouldn't this mean to explicitly deny access
> of this computer? But if you meant hosts.allow, this was already in
> the list. Sorry, I'm confused. My hosts.deny has, as shipped with
> debian, "ALL: PARANOID"; I mention each host individually.

you need it in hosts.allow.  ALL: PARANOID might be causing the
problem here since NAT lans rarely have reverse DNS working properly.  

the server needs to allow the clients and the clients need to allow
the server.   if thats how its already setup then i don't know whats
wrong, i have a similar NFS setup here and locking is working

Ethan Benson

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