Hello, I have recently upgraded to XF4.0.2. I cannot forward some remote computers' DISPLAY to my local XServer. For example, I have a FreeBSD firewall for which I cannot forward the DISPLAY variable to the Debian box. I can forward local accounts, such as root, and run X11 apps. I can forward a remote linux ssh connection and run X11 apps. It is only the FreeBSD box that refuses to forward it's DISPLAY. I have been able to forward X11 displays from the BSD box to a RH6.2 linux box at work.
>From the local box: [EMAIL PROTECTED] ~ $ xhost + access control disabled, clients can connect from any host >From the BSD box: [EMAIL PROTECTED] ~ $ export DISPLAY=<thedebianbox>:0 [EMAIL PROTECTED] ~ $ xload & Error: Can't open display: <thedebianbox>:0 Does anyone know what the problem is and what I can do? Thanks, Anthony