On Sun, Feb 18, 2001 at 04:13:54PM +0300, Mohamed Abdulbaset wrote:
> greetings,
> i have downloaded the 3 binary  CD images for the potato version and write 
> them my self to CD's i went through installation steps till end but my system 
> not rebooting from the harddisk. 
> my computer is Power Mac G3,
> Can some body help me.

(debian-powerpc is a better place to post this, most people on -user
know little of powerpc hardware) 

Newworld or Oldworld?  

if its a newworld and al you did was run `Make bootable from hard
disk' then that is why.  that step is broken and useless on
newworlds.  the installation documentation states this and explains
the command that needs to be run to make the system bootable.
(mkofboot with proper command line arguments)

if its Oldworld and all you did was run `Make bootable from hard disk'
and did not use nvsetenv to change the OF boot-device variable then
that is why.  `Make bootable from the hard disk' installs a bootblock
for oldworld macs but does not reconfigure OpenFirmware to actually
boot from the hard disk.  (OF boots a MacOS hardware rom, not the hard
disk, the MacROM only boots macos)  this is also documented in the
installation documentation.  generally you can run:

nvsetenv boot-device "$(ofpath /dev/sda)0" 

on an oldworld to set the boot-device variable, but oldworld OF tends
to need more tinkering then just that it depends on the specific

Ethan Benson

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