"David B. Harris" wrote:

> To quote Peter S Galbraith <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
> # Thanks.  
> No probs :)


> # - OpenGL GLX doesn't work (`OpenGL GLX extension not supported by
> #   display', 'No OpenGL RGB visual available').
> Personally, I've never gotten OpenGL acceleration to work. I've got a
> TNT original video chipset, and the nVidia GL implementation just
> doesn't like me. Check it out though, you've got a more recent card. The
> quality of the drivers is apparently acceptable, unless you have an SMP
> machine in which case they bite.

I'll tinker...
> # - I edited XF86Config-4 to set the mouse protocol to "ImPS/2 as
> #   in 3.3.6, but my mouse wheel no longer works

> Try "IMPS/2", as opposed to "ImPS/2".

As suggested by Tyler Braun, I used:

    Identifier  "Mouse1"
    Driver      "mouse"
    Option "Protocol"    "IMPS/2"
    Option "ZAxisMapping" "4 5"
    Option "Device"      "/dev/psaux"

and it worked.

> # - X starts up but some applications have tiny fonts: netscape in
> #   particular,

> Try changing /etc/X11/fs/config so that all the "100dpi" font paths are
> *before* the "75dpi" ones. Repeat for /etc/X11/XF86Config-4.

That did the trick.  I also noticed that I'm no longer using 

        FontPath        "unix/:7100"                    # local font server

so presumably I'm no longer using xfstt (I'll dig into this later).


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