On Sat, 15 Feb 2003, Michael Heironimus wrote:

> On Sat, Feb 15, 2003 at 07:09:21PM -0800, Eric G. Miller wrote:
> > Probably more people would use it if more ftp clients supported it...
> > I don't know how well it's supported in MS and Apple worlds...
> I don't know of a single native Windows or Mac ftp client that supports
> it. For that matter, the last time I checked support in the UNIX world
> wasn't that great either. Most of my ftp is through wget or ncftp (in
> both Linux and Windows) and I don't think either one supports ssl-ftp.
> I think it's partly a chicken-and-egg problem. Why use it when almost no
> software supports it and almost no sites use it? Why enable it on your
> site when almost nobody uses it and almost no clients support it? Why
> add it to your client when nobody uses it and most people don't even
> understand why they might want to? I suspect that most people/sites who
> are concerned about security use ssh/scp/sftp instead.

A simple (perhabs stupid) question concerning this topic: Is there a way
to disable logins over ssh while permitting sftp-access? 

I would like to have a secure ftp-access, but no login for some people
(having only a little space on the server for their website). 


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