The short of it: A number of debian sources won't compile because of 
the following problem:

usr/bin/ld: cannot find -ldb

>From previous posts I learned the problem has something to do with 
libdb-something. I checked my system. I seem to have some sort of 
libdb installed.

debian:/# dpkg -L libc6-dev | grep "libdb"

debian:/# dpkg -l | grep "libdb"
ii  libdb2         2.4.14- The Berkeley database routines 
(run-time fil
ii  libdb2-dev     2.4.14- The Berkeley database routines 
ii  libdb2-util    2.4.14- The Berkeley database routines 

debian:/# dpkg -L libdb2-dev | grep ""

What am I missing? Can someone suggest a working workaround? The 
compilation failure hits a number of gtk/gnome programs that I want 
in their rawest, latest form (programs which incidentally compile 
cleanly in my Mandrake): gnucash, gtktalog, screem.

Just testing this signature thing!

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