Has anyone got guppi to run? All I get is guppi: Symbol `oaf_popt_options' has different size in shared object, consider re-linking
Guppi (version 0.35.2) Copyright (C) 1999, 2000 EMC Capital Management, Inc. Guppi comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRENTY. This is free software, distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License. You are welcome to redistribute Guppi under certain conditions. For details, run Guppi with the --license option. For Guppi news and information, visit http://www.gnome.org/guppi. ERROR: In procedure dynamic-link: ERROR: file not found If you have got it to run, can you use it to do things (ie charts) in gnumeric? I am using Xenian (or however it is spelt--aka helix) with the lastest woody stuff. TIA Richard
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