Greek Geek???

that would have to be the BEST example of an oxymoron I have ever heard!!!!!  From your silly comments below, i think you should change your signature to dumbGreek!, just to be consistent ;)



Re: PCI graphics cards recommendations
Haralambos Geortgilakis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sun, 16 Feb 2003 16:41:13 +1300
Debian User Listie <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Hi All & Nathan,

who typed....


On Sun, Feb 16, 2003 at 01:31:01PM +1300, Haralambos Geortgilakis wrote:

"Mr Powell said he was representing "the newest country and the oldest democracy","-Apparently Mr Powell is not aware of the Hellenic/Greek Democray, dated around 300 BCE; when "we" coined the term. His grasp of history, is as poor as his American argument for a war, against Iraq. --GG

I recently heard a term for this kind of political attack: "drive-by
political commentary".

I think it's fairly obvious that Mr. Powell meant the United States is
the world's oldest _active_ democracy as it's been in existence since
1787 or 1789 depending on whether you consider the current government
to begin with the signing of the Constitution or the first election of
a president.  Your argument is rather like claiming that the Guiness
Book of World records is incorrect when it names the "oldest living
human" since the Bible says Methuselah lived to the age of 969.  Of
course, if you have evidence that Greece has been under a democratic
government since 300 BC, I'm sure many historians would be ecstatic to
hear your evidence.

Have a nice day.


"Drive-bye?" Why of course, just like "Bowling for Columbine," and the American obsession with gun-culture? No. Of course political argument is older than that. Have a look at some "Old Europe" texts, like Aristotle, Plato or Aristophanes.

It is a shame, that your (the American) gun laws are so loose; 11,000 Americans being shot dead every year. You guys have a weird notion of "freedom." I would recommend the above movie, "Bowling for Columbine." If more of you guys voted (less than 50%, nearer to 40%?), then maybe your obsession with guns would end????

A claim that the American democracy is the longest active democracy, would seem to ignore black people, indigenous Americans and women? An odd position for Powell to take, indeed an absurd one. No Nathan, if you mean democracy in the modern sense of it, America is not the oldest. Clearly, some Americans believe it, but they would be wrong.

Your strawman argument, in regards the oldest living person, is cute, but false.

Nor did I make the claim, that the Ancient Hellenic Democracy, has been around since 300 BCE, so again your strawman argument is false. Are you aware, that The CIA helped undermine the Greek Democracy in 1967 and replaced it with a dictatorship? I think that is what you might call an own goal?

I am having a nice day thanks, but I am sun burnt, from going on the Anti-War march yesterday. Aloe Vera is good! :-)

I hope you are too! :-)

Did someone mention Debian Tux?


Greek Geek :-)

President Johnson summoned the Greek ambasidor..."fuck your Parliament and your Constitution....We pay a lot of good American dollars to the Greeks, Mr. Ambassador. If your Prime Minister gives me talk about Democracy Parliament and Constitutions, he, his Parliament and his Constitution may not last very long." LBJ. 1964-66. In April 1967, ..., George Papadopoulos seized power in a military coup. He had been on the CIA payroll since 1952. The catchword amongst old hands at the US military mission in Greece was that Papadopoulos was " the first CIA agent to become Premier of a European country".

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