>>> David replies at the top:

   Taking last things first, the double-spacing is just MS Outlook
   asserting its individuality. I'm writing/editing with vim, not
   generically double-spacing

   Following your instructions, I edited lilo.conf and commented out the
   4 lines about image=/vmlinuz.old, which appeared with the new
   image=/vmlinux entries, then ran lilo. Same problem. Rebooted. Same
   problem. Ran tar, configure, make, make install again as su on the
   PCTel package. Same problem

   BTW, continuing my elementary education, how would you otherwise "fix
   the symlink"


>>> Sean came to the rescue with:

   the -bf2.4 is just a suffix added to say that the kernel was the one
   that came with the bf2.4 installer (bf==boot floppies). the
   kernel-source you want is kernel-source-2.4.18 (or .19, or .20).

   your real problem right now is that you still seem to be booting with
   your old kernel.  check that lilo.conf is pointing to the right
   vmlinuz symlink, and if not, fix the symlink (or the entry in
   lilo.conf) and re-run lilo.


   ps - any reason for the double spacing?

>>> Earlier, David, hitting a brick wall, asked:

   To accomodate a new modem's support under linux, I have just tried to
   recompile the kernel and them install the modem's software support.
   Previously I had installed a pre-compiled version of Woody (3.0r1)
   from CDs.
   'uname -r' gives '2.4.18-bf2.4' but 'apt-get install
   kernel-source-2.4.18-bf2.4' replies 'Couldn't find package ...
   so I installed 2.4.18. The installation went fine. Quite interesting
   Now when I run isnmod pctel.o from its directory I get:
      pctel.o: kernel-model version mismatch
      pctel.o was compiled for kernel version 2.4.18
      while this kernel is version 2.4.18-bf2.4
   I'm advised that isnmod is supposed to recognize pctel from any 
   Directory    but that didn't happen so I cd'd to its directory.
Similarly    'insmod pctel' did not work even in the appropriate
   I assume the installation process maintained the more current bf2.4
   kernel and my other difficulty arose from the mismatch. How do I 
   install bf2.4 from source (indeed, how do I find it) to make eveyone

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