On Tue, Jan 30, 2001 at 11:44:29AM -0500, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> I have some questions about building a firewall.  I currently have a cable 
> modem connection which of course gives me a static IP address.  If I was to 
> build a firewall using a old 486 could I still assign my Debian box the 
> static IP address as it is needed for my server which I use for 
> hosting.  Or would the 486 use the static IP and assign the Debian box a 
> private IP address?  Also I know there are many firewall how to's out there 
> but would appreciate any recommendations.

if you're using debian for your firewall:

        apt-get install ipmasq

here's the setup:

        +----------+ ] eth0 = your.ip.number --> internet
        |  debian  |
        | firewall |
        +----------+ ] eth1 =    --> +-----+
                                             --> |     |
                       box1 =   --> | hub |
                                             --> |     |
                                   boxn =  --> +-----+

edit /etc/network/interfaces to mirror your configuration:

        # /etc/network/interfaces -- configuration file for ifup(8), ifdown(8)

        # The loopback interface
        iface lo inet loopback

        iface eth1 inet static
                # other localnet addrs can be anything in
                # the 192.168.1.[2-254] range

        # if your address isn't static, do this:
        #       iface eth0 inet dhcp
        iface eth0 inet static
                address YOUR.REAL.IP.NUMBER
                network YOUR.REAL.IP.0
                broadcast YOUR.REAL.IP.255
                gateway YOUR.UPSTREAM.NET.NUMBER
                # for me, it's my cablemodem number
                # which is only 1 different from my
                # debian/internet address. yours might
                # just be your ISP server addr...

and then just

        ipmasq -v

to implement it.

i think. :) if this reformats your hard drive, gives your
neightbors shingles, or straightens out the earth's axis,
don't use it.

See, if you were allowed to keep the money, you wouldn't
create jobs with it. You'd throw it in the bushes or
something.  But the government will spend it, thereby
creating jobs.      -- Dave Barry

[EMAIL PROTECTED]    ***    http://www.dontUthink.com/

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