On Mon, Jan 29, 2001 at 05:34:05PM -0800, Alex Swavely wrote:
> Have a problem with NFS.  I have a nice running machine for a while here,
> and today it starts getting boggy, so I figure I'll reboot, have it clear
> out swap, dump the process tables, etc...
> Well, I can't get it to boot up now.
> It gets as far as running exportfs (init.d script nfs-kernel-server) and
> hangs.  When I go to reboot, it hangs up at the same place (where it's
> unexporting), and I'm forced to give it the BRS treatment.
> I've tried commenting out entries in my /etc/exportfs (using my rescue disk,
> of course) down to nothing, and it still hangs.
> This box is fairly important, being our main server (NFS, DNS, NIS,
> etc...)...
> Any suggestions?

sounds like you have something stale under /var/lib/nfs.  check the
etab and rmtab files.  if you have a hostname in etab which cannot be
resolved anymore exportfs seems to hang indefinitly.  

Ethan Benson

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