I'm printing to an HPLJ2100 printer hanging off an NT box; therefore I'm having to print to it via samba. The only way I've gotten this to work is to modify my /etc/printcap so that the if= line points to a smbprint script.

This works fine, except that it removes magicfilter from the equation. From what I can tell about bounce queues, they allow you to send your printjobs through two different queues, one after the other. The first one can do one type of processing; the second can do another. I would assume this means I could run my printjob through magicfilter, and then through the smbprint script to actually send the job to the remote printer.

However, I haven't been able to comprehend how to set up the bounce queue. Here's my /etc/printcap:

lp|hplj2100|HP LaserJet 2100:\
      :cm=Karen's HP LaserJet 2100:\
#       :if=/etc/magicfilter/ljet4-filter:\

Also, assuming I can get this to work, anyone know what's the best magicfilter (ljet4-filter, etc) to use for an HP LJ 2100?



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