Hi Alec,

Quoth Alec Smith, 
> I understand a large portion of the kernel 2.4 networking code was updated 
> and/or completely replaced. Under 2.2 I have ipchains configured to do 
> basic masquerading for my local LAN. Is there a straightforward guide which 
> describes how to do masquerading and firewalling with 2.4 after moving up 
> from 2.2?

There is an ipchians module that you can compile with the kernel that
allows to you still use ipchains normally with iptables. The problem
with this is I don't see how you can use the old masquerading modules
(like the ftp one) with it. If you are sticking with your old ipchains
script, just make sure you build the module, and put `ipchains' in
/etc/modules to load it at boot-time.

If you are interested in migrating fully to iptables, there are a few
iptables firewall/masq scripts on freshmeat.net (under console/firewall,
I think, on the appindex). Personally, I use gShield, and am very happy
with it.

Just make sure you compile *all* of the iptables modules (either as
modules or in the kernel). The names of some of them suggest you don't
need them, but most of the pre-cooked firewall scripts that I have seen
require most of them.



Damon Muller              | Did a large procession wave their torches
Criminologist/Linux Geek  | As my head fell in the basket,
http://killfilter.com     | And was everybody dancing on the casket...
PGP (GnuPG): A136E829     |                      - TBMG, "Dead"

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