Using either apt-get source -b foo or dpkg-buildpackage after the fact, I have a number of debian source packages fail on me. In most cases the most conspicuous symptom is the following stderr line:
/usr/bin/ld: cannot find -ldb What package am I missing? OR is it a ./configure problem? Some bits of information about my setup: (1) Source packages that have failed to build: gtktalog , gnucash. (2) libdb2-dev installed ---BEGIN BASH OUTPUT--- debian:~$ dpkg -l | grep "libdb2" ii libdb2 2.4.14- The Berkeley database routines (run-time fil ii libdb2-dev 2.4.14- The Berkeley database routines (development ii libdb2-util 2.4.14- The Berkeley database routines (development ---END BASH OUTPUT---