Hello Glenn,

What I did on my last couple of bench-boxes was install whatever linux
flavor I was pounding on at the time, but when it comes time to "partition 
the hard drive" I would add a 1-2GB fat32 partition along with usual swap,
boot and root partitions. It worked very nicely. I would let lilo write the
new mbr then go in later a build a boot disk. I have had up to 5 running
OS's on the box at a time (purely for sport).

When you do get around to installing windoz, simply run format and it will 
find the only readable dos partition and format it. run your usual install, 
and it will do a nice job of killing the mbr. 

Now just put in your floppy and boot off of it, when you have linux up again,
re-run lilo after you add the new DOS lines to your /etc/lilo.conf. I alwasy 
add these lines:

(then I add new boot info for Windoz at the end)
other=/dev/hdaX    (where X is your partition wid windoz)

Now you have dual-boot and lilo is running the show, not windoz.

Remember, just in case, backups are good.


On Monday 22 January 2001 10:08, Glenn Becker wrote:
> All,
> Although it grieves me to say so, there are a couple of Windows-only apps
> I'd love to run ... specifically the XML IDE XMLSpy, and a couple of
> Chinese-language applications.
> Is there ANY relatively headacheless way to add Windows to my machine,
> making it a dual boot box, without first removing the Debian setup I have
> lovingly constructed? :-) I've heard that installing Windows kind of
> commandeers the MBR ...
> I am running a part-stable, part-testing Debian setup on a Dell PIII (I am
> not at home or I'd be more specific, sorry).
> G
> _________________________________________________________________________
> // G l e n n  B e c k e r                                                |
> // I don't wanna kill my china pig.                                      |
> //            -- Captain Beefheart                                     |
> // [EMAIL PROTECTED]                                                       |
> _________________________________________________________________________|


Jaye Inabnit, ARS ke6sls     e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
707-442-6579 h/m                     707-268-4074
http://www.qsl.net/ke6sls            ICQ# 12741145
This mail composed with kmail on kde on X on linux warped by debian
If it's stupid, but works, it ain't stupid.

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