Hall Stevenson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> * Alex Chamberlain ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) [010121 03:49]:
> > I'm tearing my hair out trying to get Netscape installed on potato.  I
> > have netscape-base-475 and all its dependencies selected in dselect,
> > but then dselect says "netscape-base-475 depends on netscape-base-4;
> > netscape-base-4 does not appear to be available".  I've searched high
> > and low on ftp.debian.org for netscape-base-4.dpkg or anything like
> > it.  Will someone let me in on the secret?
> Since you mention using dselect, just select the package you want
> instead of picking the "-base" packages.

Been there, done that.  8-(  That's my point.  8-)  I can't install
ANYTHING netscape related because of the dependency on the nonexistent
package "netscape-base-4".

For instance, if I try to select only the packages I want and not select
netscape-base-476 in dselect, I get the following dependency error

    communicator-spellchk-476 depends on netscape-base-476
    communicator-base-476 depends on netscape-base-476
    communicator-nethelp-476 depends on netscape-base-476
    netscape-java-476 depends on netscape-base-476
    netscape-smotif-476 depends on netscape-base-476

and if I then go back and reselect netscape-base-476 I get 

    netscape-base-475 depends on netscape-base-4; netscape-base-4 does
    not appear to be available.

Or are you telling me that there is a bug in the package dependencies
and I need to force the ones I need with dpkg from the command line
directly?  I haven't tried that yet.  I was assuming operator error
first before I blamed the package maintainers.  ;-)

> If you just want to install the browser, "apt-get install navigator"
> will do it (and grab whatever else it needs). For the entire "suite",
> type "apt-get install communicator".

Doesn't work either:

    starfish:~# apt-get install navigator
    Reading Package Lists... Done
    Building Dependency Tree... Done
    E: Couldn't find package navigator

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