Lo, on Wednesday, February 21, Robert did write: > hi!
[adjusted line breaks] > I downloaded a debian .iso image and the md5 checksums didn't match, then > i mounted it (with -o loop) and checked the checksums of all individual > files, finding 3 of them are corrupted. Have downloaded them and I wish > to replace them, but i always recieve the error 'read-only filesystem' > and cannot do anything. Well, you might try mounting it with `-o rw,loop', but I don't know that that's going to work. It's quite possible that ISO-9660 filesystems are always read-only, even when on writable media. If that doesn't work, then you'll have to mount the image like you did originally, copy all of the files onto a normal writable filesystem (some directory on your hard disk will work nicely), replace the three damaged files in this directory, then rebuild the ISO image with mkisofs or mkhybrid. Richard