On Sun, 21 Jan 2001, Benjamin Pharr wrote:

->I'm having a bit of a problem getting pine to compile on Debian.  I
->installed the src and the diffs package and then followed the instructions
->in the README.  It compiles for several minutes and then starts giving errors.
->invalid operands to binary ==
->incompatible type for argument2 od 'fseek'
->make[1]: *** [os.o] Error 1
->Link to executables are pine/bin
->Dir: /pine/bin not found.
->*** [binaryPine] Error 1
->*** [binary-arch] Error 2
->Any idea what's going on here?  Thanks!
->Ben Pharr

I just downloaded pine4.32.tar.gz (3.3M), un-tared/unziped
the file, ran the build script (./build slx), and version
4.32 works perfectly. pine4.32.tar.gz is just source code
no diffs package was needed.

Christopher W. Aiken, Scenery Hill, Pa, USA
chris at cwaiken dot com,   www.cwaiken.com
Current O/S: Debian GNU/Linux 2.2_r2

  • pine Benjamin Pharr
    • Christopher W. Aiken

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