I'm running Debian 2.2 (Patato, I think :-D) at home. I recently upgraded from XFree86-3.3.6 to XFree86-4.0.2
I installed XFree-4.0.2 from the binaries available at ftp.xfree86.org. Installing the new X server was pretty straightforward and simple. I had only one minor bug to deal with after the ordeal. For some reason, after I installed the new version of XFree86 my Debain box would freeze at boot time when attempting to load the xfs (x font server). To work around this I had to boot into single user mode and move the /etc/init.d/xfs file into my root directory. Now, when switching runlevels the symbolic links found in /etc/rc[1-6].d are broken and my Debian box no longer freezes. My questions are: Is this a bug in the xfs code? Or, is this a configuration problem between Debian and XFree86? And, what should I do to perminetly fix this problem? Thanks Stef