On Sun, Jan 21, 2001 at 10:01:01AM -0600, David Kanter wrote:
> I'd like to install Debian but have a slight problem: my Ethernet card
> (ADMtek 983) requires the latest tulip drivers.
> I have a DSL connection with PPPoE. I'd like to install a bare-bones base
> system and install the remaining components via apt-get. The new drivers are
> available in rpm format, and I can build a custom rpm for the drivers
> (that's the recommended method) to install.
> So my question is, what must I get to do this? What should I download so I
> can get that base system up, build that rpm for kernel modules, and then
> install the remaining system via pppoe?

Who wrote the "latest" drivers, and what's the version number?  It's
conceivable that the 2.2.18 kernel on the potato install disks has the
driver you need.  Can't tell without more info ...

If you're able to install using an existing DOS partition, go the
loadlin route.  You pick a flavor of boot floppy (idepci or compact
are good choices, or udma if you need that), download rescue.bin,
root.bin, drivers.tgz as well as base2_2.tgz.  This is enough for a
bare bones install.  Since you still won't have connectivity you'll
have to figure out what apt-get wants to install, and then download
all _that_ ... sounds like a pain in the ass to me :)

If the new driver really isn't available in a prebuilt kernel, I htink
you'd be better off asking someone to compile a custom kernel for you.
It's trivial to replace the kernel on the rescue floppy as that floppy
is a FAT filesystem ...

Good luck,

Nathan Norman - Staff Engineer | A good plan today is better
Micromuse Inc.                 | than a perfect plan tomorrow.
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]   |   -- Patton

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