There's an HD install script.  I think it's in /usr/local/bin.  If not, it's 
in something close to that.  I think it's called hd-install.


On Friday 14 February 2003 11:17 am, stan wrote:
> I have a new laptop, and I was planing on istalling Koppix to take advantge
> of it's _great_ hardware auto detection, then merging back intot the Debain
> mainstream.
> Problem is, I can't figure out how to actully install Knoppix. I have a
> bootable CD (that was fun because of the size), and everythign works like a
> charm when I boot from it, but I can't figure out how to get that image
> onto the hard disk.
> One person has told me Knoppix is not intended to install.

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