Ok, I got sound working.  On my windows boot the sound was on IRQ 5, it kept 
trying to put it on IRQ 7 in linux.  I added a /etc/modutils/sound file and put
options sb irq=5 io=0x220 dma=1
in it, but when I rebooted it seemed to ignore that file.  So instead I edited 
/etc/modules.  It had a single line in it that said:
So I change it to read:
sb irq=5 io=0x220 dma=1
That worked.  What is confusing me now, is that when I shut down, during my 
shutdown messages I get a message that the alsa driver isn't running.  This is 
correct, it shouldn't be.  But I can't
figure out why my machine is trying to shut it down.  I checked in rcS.d and my 
rc5.d directories (I'm running in mode 5) but I can't figure out where my 
machine is trying start/shutdown the alsa
drivers.  Also, during my boot sequence my machine scans for SCSI interfaces.  
I don't have any scsi interfaces so how can I stop it from doing this scan 
everytime I boot?

BTW, apt-get rocks.  Now I know why people who use debian never go to anything 
else.  I'm addicted :)

Kent West wrote:

> Rev. Ferret wrote:
> > Ok, I added myself to user audio and I now get sound from things.  There is 
> > just one problem.  The sound skips.  It sounds like a broken record player, 
> > where it plays the same bit over and over
> > again.  I tried chmod'ing the audio things to world usable, but it didn't 
> > help.  Any ideas on how to get  it to stop skipping?  At least I'm getting 
> > some sound now :)
> >
> Probably one of two things:
> (1) wrong sound driver or problems with the driver
> (2) IRQ or IOPort conflict
> If this is an ISA card, it's probably the second. Do you have a
> dual-boot with Win9x? If so, what IRQ/io does it report the card being
> on? Does this match what Linux thinks? Or maybe it's a jumper-configured
> card, in which case, make sure Linux sees the same settings that the
> card is actually on. If Linux doesn't match the actual settings, you can
> feed the settings to the module when it installs. For example, I have a
> file "/etc/modutils/sound" which has the two lines:
> options uart401 irq=9 io=0x330
> options sb irq=5 io=0x220 dma=1
> hth, Kent

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