>>>>> "Dale" == Dale Morris <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

    Dale> My apologies for posting off topic. I want to bind the Alt
    Dale> key to the Meta key in Emacs. Is there a simple 'newbie' way
    Dale> to do that?

OT is no problem...

But you could have been more specific ...

I suppose you are referring to the problem, that the meta-function in
X is not bound to alt like at the console (M-x ...)

One way to achieve what I'm interpreting you are asking for is to use
xmodmap to remap the function keys.
man xmodmap

Use xev to get the keycode number and then associate a function
like (my .xmodmaprc):

remove Lock = Caps_Lock    #no lock 
keycode 66 = Mode_switch       #but Mod_switch instead of Caps_Lock 
keycode 64 = Meta_L       # !!! Alt will work like M- in emacs
keycode 115 = Escape      # windoze-keys 
keycode 116 = Escape      # -"-
keycode 117 = F1      #
Save this to a file like .xmodmaprc

and have your .xsession call xmodmap

xmodmap ~/.xmodmaprc

(Dr.) Michael Hummel
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